
Classroom Review

Front Class:

During October we are welcoming two new students, Elsie and Enzo, to the morning class.  Hello and Welcome!

In the beginning of the month Mrs. Brunswick shared her celebration of Rosh Hashana with us.  Thank you for letting us participate in the Jewish New Year!  This month we have looked closer at the parts of a leaf, rubbed different leaves and collected all colors of fall leaves on the playground and sang songs about leaves.  Next we took a closer look at the bat and the spider.  Even our big Halloween project is also a spider.  You might have gotten a glimpse of them hanging in the window right now.  Then they come home to decorate your homes.  Other artwork with a spider theme is also available during work time.  

A big Thank you goes out to Adele’s big sister Emilia, a CMS alum, who came to read to our students in the PM class.  An other Thank you to all the parents for signing up and making time in your busy days to come and talk to us about your children at conference time.  We learn so much from you that helps us on a daily basis to create a better learning environment for your children.  We are currently working on some fun songs for Halloween.  For a while we will color a large pumpkin in class before it gets a nice carving for the big day.  Children get to come in their costumes on the 31st.  As a school we will parade on the playground and enjoy a closer look at the many costumes.  In the classroom we will take individual costume pictures for a matching photo work that will bring lots of joy when we put it out in the new year.

Have a safe and Happy Halloween!

Back Class:

After seven weeks of school we can say that we have our routines in place and have gotten to know all the rules that make a classroom run smoothly.  We have a great group of kids who care about one another and their classroom!

We hope that those of you who came to Curriculum Night left with a better understanding of what your child’s day is like.  It is our goal that each child feels secure, physically and emotionally.  We want each child to feel free to be who they are and explore whatever interests them.  

This month we embraced fall and will continue to do so next month.  We learned about leaves and why they change color in the fall.  We moved on to spiders and talked about the differences between spiders and insects, and we learned about the parts of a spider and the life cycle of a spider.  We stressed the message that spiders are our friends and that we treat all living creatures with kindness and respect.  We have started learning about bats ad will end the month with pumpkins and, of course, Halloween!  On the day of Halloween your child is welcome to come to school in a costume, if they wish.

It was great seeing many of you during conferences and hope you got all your questions answered.  Please don’t hesitate to contact us any time with any questions or concerns you might have!

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